New to Yoga? Frequently Asked Questions about Yoga

Can I still do yoga with an injury?

Injuries or medical conditions most likely will not prevent you from doing yoga. Please contact me about any concerns you have so that I can understand your needs and make sure you get the best out of yoga.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, so long as it allows you to move, stretch and breathe. Yoga is not a fashion competition.

Do I need to buy equipment?

I can provide a yoga mat for the first couple of sessions; eventually you will need to purchase your own. I also have other equipment such as blocks and belts which you are welcome to use until you are ready to buy your own.

How much should I spend on a yoga mat?

For a good quality yoga mat, be prepared to spend £20 - £40. I sell a variety of select studio mats within this price range.

Can I do yoga when I am pregnant?

I am qualified through the British Wheel of Yoga to teach pregnant students within a mixed ability class starting in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

The strengthening postures, stretching and breathing exercises in yoga are an excellent way to prepare for labour and to keep you more comfortable during your pregnancy. It is also fine to start postnatal yoga from about six weeks after you give birth.

What people are saying

I feel the stress of the day drain away. I feel like I've just had a bit of a workout and stretch without the grunt and sweat. I am calmer and more ab


Some time earlier [than starting yoga with Suzanne], I had been diagnosed with severe osteoporosis of the hip and spine and more recently with slight


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Yoga with Suzanne
Hawthorn House
SN11 0PF