What Happens in a Yoga Session

Everyone is Welcome

Classes are mixed ability, meaning that experienced students are in the same class as beginners. The regulars are used to new people joining in and help to create an open, welcoming environment for practice.

Everyone is encouraged to work within their own ability and to listen to their bodies.

Being part of a class is important as you can learn from other's questions and from seeing the their work. Sometimes classes are quiet and meditative; sometimes classes are full of laughter and delight.

A particular series of poses can affect your mood in very different but positive ways. In classes there is a good balance between sharing the yoga experience with others and respecting each other's space for calm and reflection.


What to Expect at a Yoga Class

A typical yoga class begins with breath awareness, followed by a warm up. A series of postures is introduced to develop strength and flexibility, including standing, floor and chair work.

Sometimes pranayama (advanced breathing techniques) or meditation will also be introduced. Each class ends with led relaxation.

During class I demonstrate as necessary, watch students' practice and walk around offering modifications and alternatives to the taught poses.

It is important to me that I ensure each student is getting what they want from the class.

Some students have specific difficulties and need modifications that allow them to work in a different way on the same area of the body. Others are more experienced and want suggestions for advanced poses.

I also introduce equipment such as blocks and belts if these will suit individual needs.


A Good Workout For Your Body, Mind and Spirit

Sometimes people say it feels like yoga never gets any easier.

This is because as you get stronger your muscles will hold poses for longer; as you get more flexible you discover that you can work further into poses; and as you get more in touch with your body and breath your awareness keeps finding deeper levels to activate throughout your practice.


Any Concerns

If you have any concerns, conditions or injuries that you feel I should know about, feel free to contact me before your taster session or we can have a chat in person when you attend.

None of these things should stop your doing yoga, but it would be helpful for me to know so I can offer alternatives and modify poses to ensure that you get the most benefit and feel safe.

More info is available in our frequently asked questions about yoga


The goal is not to tie ourselves in knots...
We're already tied in knots,
The aim is to untie the knots in our hearts,
The aim is to untie with the ultimate, loving and peaceful power of the universe.

Max Strom

Run, walk, jump, stretch on the floor
Move your body, get up and go
Feel the energy, let it flow
Don't get caught in negative
Habits that won't let you live.

Too busy to relax? Not true! ... this hoax must end, it starts with you
If all you do is just the same... you never will escape this game
Do something new, do something Zen... begin right now, not 'if' or 'when'
Do one thing different, or two, or five... change how you live, become alive
Do or do not, there is no try... step off the cliff and start to fly.

Begin with this, you won't go wrong... remember to breathe, deep and long.

Aaron Hoopes

I will not live an invalid life,
I will not live in fear
Of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit my days,
To allow my living to open me,
To make me less afraid,
More accessible,
To loosen my heart,

Until it becomes a wing,
A torch, a promise.

I choose to risk my significance;
To live so that which came to me as a seed
Goes to the next as blossom,
And that which came to me as blossom,
Goes on as fruit.

Dawna Markova

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beoynd measure.
It is our light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be?
You are a child of God.

Marianne Williamson

What people are saying

I come to yoga to relax and find it improves my posture and flexibility and also promotes a general feeling of wellbeing. Suzanne's style of yoga and



Having had two hip replacements I wasn't sure that I would be able to do yoga when a friend recommended it to me. However, I thought I would give it a


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Yoga with Suzanne
Hawthorn House
SN11 0PF