Online Yoga Classes

Are you looking for the best yoga studio that gives you real-time online yoga teaching?

With my online yoga classes, you can practise yoga where you are at home, while I teach you via Zoom. I have live streaming online classes each week, so if you can't make your usual yoga class - join my online yoga sessions every week.

Please note: Unfortunately due to illness, I have had to temporarily suspend all yoga lessons, but hope to be back soon!

Live yoga lessons

As a professional, qualified yoga teacher with 18 years of experience, no matter where you are - I will teach you safe alignment/adjustments, yoga postures and breathing techniques to get the best out of your yoga practice. You will learn reclining, standing, twisting, balancing and inverted postures. A 15 minute guided relaxation is also included in each session of my virtual yoga classes that I deliver using the online app, Zoom.

Zoom is a great format for a yoga class.  It allows me to actually see you and to offer live instruction. I can demonstrate, watch you, offer alternatives and modifications,  talk, or be silent encouraging you to breathe and focus -- just like a real live class! I am amazed by how profoundly Zoom brings us together as a group.

You do not to need to be tech savvy to use Zoom (see reviews below). Why not register for a free taster?  I will send you a link before the online session. All you have to do is click the link to join the class. Once you sign up you can receive a free video link to a recording of classes to practice with at home.

One to One online yoga classes

If you would like a one-to-one online yoga lesson, please do get in touch and I'd be happy to consider this with you.

Learn yoga for exercise and relaxation.


Online yoga reviews for Suzanne

The online yoga training was brilliant. New for us all. Helped ease my back for sure after sitting down all day working at the kitchen table.  – Andy

Thank you. Different but well worth doing. – Mike

Thank you so much for last night's yoga class. You still managed to be as calming as ever. I kept shifting around...and on Friday I will transfer to my hall or kitchen as it was difficult to balance on my carpet... – Gilly

I really enjoyed yesterday’s online yoga session.  I actually found the pace just right and I loved the flow and movement that we had going as I sometimes find it a challenge to hold poses like warrior for too long. Thanks to all for a fab session and looking forward to the next one. – Marie

I really enjoyed this morning’s session.  Thank you so much.  I felt much more human again. It was absolutely perfect. – Sonia

Very reassuring to see and hear you! – Mary

Thank you so much for the yoga video session this morning. I was so grateful for it at this moment in time, everyday waking up and feeling anxious. Having your voice in our lounges was so relaxing, I felt much better afterwards. I surprised myself because I'm absolute rubbish with technology; so when I managed to turn on the webcam and see you all it was such an achievement!  -- Jo

The online session was amazing, thank you! You have an aura that is wonderfully spiritual and calm, which allows your sessions to be holistic for mind and body, rather than just an exercise class. Your meditation at the end of the class is all encompassing and brings all the of the aspects of the class together ready to set your yogis up until the next class. 

I am quite a difficult person to please when it comes to what I spend my money and time on. You are worth spending both on. You will never know what confidence and peace you have brought me at difficult times over the last 17 or so years and I hope to remain one of your students for a long time to come, God willing.  –Lyn

Thank you so much for the online session this morning!! There was something very wholesome about doing it with everyone whilst being in the comfort of your own home! – Anna

I managed to connect to your class! It was great -- just like being at our normal sessions. – Wendy

I loved the first ‘Zoom’ yoga session.  It was very, very, very welcome at the current time. – Catherine

Thank you so much.  Just what I needed. Jasper, my golden retriever joined in too, did you notice?  His downward dog was better than mine! – Elaine

Thank you so much for the session this morning.  It would be fantastic if these can continue.  Just hearing familiar voices was very comforting.  I had no trouble following the class. – Lyn

It was so good to do yoga again with you and a group. To hear your voice, realise things are changing, but can have some continuity was so welcome. I feel a little lost and am trying to focus and realign, so this was wonderful -  thank you. – Marnie

I desperately needed the yoga session today.  I have had a problem with my left shoulder for the past month and it has now started to free itself up with the pain starting to subside.  I also feel in a much better and positive mood which I think is essential for all of us to have at this challenging and worrying time. – Heather

Many thanks for organising yoga online for us this morning. It was really great and my husband and I both feel a lot better, mentally and physically, for it. We probably stretched ourselves a lot more than if we had done it on our own. You brightened up our week. - Elizabeth

Thank you very much for the wonderful yoga session this morning. I had  woken up feeling quite tearful which is not like me at all. Then I looked at my email and was overjoyed to see that you were doing a session online. I felt calm and deeply relaxed after  the session. Thank you very much for doing it -- Judith


What people are saying

Having had two hip replacements I wasn't sure that I would be able to do yoga when a friend recommended it to me. However, I thought I would give it a


I feel the stress of the day drain away. I feel like I've just had a bit of a workout and stretch without the grunt and sweat. I am calmer and more ab


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Yoga with Suzanne
Hawthorn House
SN11 0PF